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Our Story


        My name is Latherio Agoff,  founder of Limitless Outdoors Inc. For all of my disabled life, I have loved the outdoors. At a very young age, I watched my brother and our friends always getting ready to go out duck hunting as I sat on the sidelines watching.  


        Finally, at the age of 13, I had enough and determined that it was time to get in the game, so I decided to start thinking outside of the box. I made a device to be able to shoot a gun with my mouth. By doing this, I realized that if there is a will there is a way. This can make a person limitless. Now that I am able to shoot a gun, being outdoors for me was and is very therapeutic in many ways: wind blowing in your face, live animals all around, and not to mention the beauty of everyday life. This is why I love the outdoors and want to help others experience this opportunity with Limitless Outdoors Inc.  Our goal is to get people with all types of disabilities active in the outdoors.

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